
Dec 20, 2014

The Happiness In Her Eyes

My only goal in life right now is to be happy. Genuinely, intensely and consistently happy, regardless of what that looks like to others...
It's Christmas time! I love everything about this season...probably because everyone seems to be jolly and happy and generous...and also because people are at that point where they are settling old scores and trying to close cycles in preparation for the New Year. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year! Aside from the festivities, one of my most favorite things about the Christmas season is the gifts. I love the gifts. Now, not to sound materialistic or something, because the gifts I mean are those that you can't purchase in a store or those that have monetary value. I've been raised in a loving family where the most fascinating and most important gifts are those that you don't have to buy and I think that personally, I prefer it that way. I am not one of those people who appreciate something expensive or costly to be given to me to make me happy... I think I am a more simple and practical person where effort is more appreciated over the cost. After all, if you are the kind of person who can have anything you want, what you want are the things that money can't buy and this actually requires more energy than having to go to a mall and buying something and paying for it at a counter. Now what gifts am I referring to? It can be anything from a simple smile, an apology from someone you had animosity towards (and a reconciliation), having good and unforgettable memories with people that will last a lifetime or perhaps being given another chance to make things right. I find those gifts more fascinating... don't you think?

Tweed and Tulle Gold and Cream Dress: Romwe (Similar to THIS)
Metallic Gold Ankle Strap Shoes: Zara (Also worn HERE)
Rose Gold Clutch: Vintage (Also worn HERE)
Gold South Sea Pearl Earrings: Mikimoto
Bangle: Louis Vuitton
Metallic Tattoos: Break My Closet  

 Every year, we have our annual Christmas party at home around two weeks before Christmas... right before everyone gets crazy busy from holiday party-hopping. It has been a traditional night filled with food, fun, festivities and of course, family. It is something very important to me because I finally get to see my family and loved ones who I don't get to spend time with since my allergies usually limit me from joining them for dinners out or for most occasions. Of course, while this is the highlight of my night... for others, it is the BINGO game...which has been quite a competitive recreational activity for me and my relatives (we play up to 13 variations and patterns!) and probably because we all want to test our luck. I don't know what it is about this specific party but it basically jump starts the Yuletide season for me. Now for this occasion, even if I was just at home, I decided to still dress up and be the perfect party host in a sparkling and glittery sleeveless tulle baby doll dress. I love picking out outfits for this very festive season since you can take out your shiniest and sparkliest outfits and wear them to a party. Exhibit A: this outfit. I would usually wear red but this year, I changed it up a bit and wore a cream shade with golden undertones. It was a fresh change and I loved it. The bonus was that I had so much fun in this outfit since my faux twin Domz and I decided to gift everyone with our very own program which is, if you don't already know, all over Facebook. It was probably liquid courage from the bubbly we had but we both did quite controversial and convincing renditions of Taylor Swift's Blank Space and Shake It OffNow to those of you who are afraid to say hi or approach us because you think we are intimidating, I think these two videos are sufficient proof on how silly and goofy we could be. (Trust me, we don't bite!)

Back to the spirit of Christmas and to the tradition of gift-giving... I know everyone is making their list and checking it twice (I understand the rush of Christmas shopping, seriously)... and while you are buying gifts for your loved ones, friends and significant others, I do hope that you also don't forget to give yourself a gift. When I decided what I wanted to give myself... it was as simple as saying and deciding that "I think it's time to be happy again." As self-indulging as that may sound, I think that for everyone, as we are near the end of the year, it actually is the best gift to give yourself. There is absolutely something so marvelous whenever you see a happy person... it's like they radiate a glow and an inner peace from within. Suffice to say that this year has been quite a rocky and eventful one for me... I think that I deserved happiness at the very least. You see, what we often forget is that happiness is a choice-  you are the only one who can make yourself happy and you are as happy as you choose to be. As cliche as that sounds, I get that now. I fought for my happiness and it was a very proactive choice... one of the most important decisions I have ever made, actually. In my case, I resolved to finally respect myself enough to walk away from anything and anyone that no longer serves me, makes me grow as a person or makes me happy. I finished chapters, closed cycles and to be safe, I've dotted my i's and crossed my t's to resolve issues from the past and basically... just moved on. There is nothing like a fresh start for a brand new year. I think happy people are the most beautiful people in the world.  
Consider the fact that maybe…just maybe…beauty and worth aren’t found in a makeup bottle, or a salon-fresh hairstyle, or a fabulous outfit. Maybe our sparkle comes from somewhere deeper inside, somewhere so pure and authentic and REAL, it doesn’t need gloss or polish or glitter to shine. Maybe it's not Maybelline. Maybe you were just born with it. 
Photos by: Celyn

xx, JL

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