
Sep 25, 2014

A Better Version Of Me

Lately, I've been more than busy as I have decided to get up and go to the office and work from there. I once heard this popular saying that goes, “Find something you love to do, and you'll never work a day in your life” and I now that I am finally part of the workforce, I have a deeper understanding of this saying. Well, aside from the fact that I absolutely do enjoy going to work and of course, what I do, I am also quite happy to be also challenged to dress up more creatively. I never quite got it then but my outfits have always been more loud and playful even when I was in my early twenties well much into even after I turned 25. I guess that's what having your own business and being your own boss is all about: the perks. Eventually though, I had to outgrow that stage. My friend, Jamm, told me a few days ago that she has noticed that my outfit choice and style has metamorphosed into a more mellow and neutral palette... I must admit I have been going for less loud color schemes and more structured and architectural silhouettes and I didn't really think anyone would notice it because I was actually doing it on purpose... but hey, it worked apparently as it was pretty noticeable to the people around me. I grew up... my outfit choices grow up with me... but that doesn't mean you would be spared the shock of an altogether different look. As I say, my style is very bipolar and hypomanic but also, the things going on in my life play a great role in how I choose what to wear.  Now that I am experiencing how it is like to be part of the workforce (even if I am Executive Director, I am still answerable to people) and find the need to perform. Given that, I have been choosing ensembles that are more appropriate as office attire as I think how I carry myself in the office also represents the organization I am in. I think that it is all about the entire package when I get into something. I don't quite understand the concept of half-baked.

For this particular work day, I decided to go for this beige cape, white blouse and black skirt ensemble. Again, monotonous and neutral tones but absolutely classic...perfect as I know that since I am working so hard to accomplish certain things as I go in and out of the office, I might as well dress the part. I have a love affair with the cape that has surpassed most of my relationships and it is something that I will never get over. I am in love with the silhouette and the overall effect it has on a look as it instantly adds class and elegance and it is very functional as it does provide maximum warmth and protection from the elements. The thing is though, I am assigned my own room as my office space and the climate there is quite artic (to put it nicely) so I am inclined to wear very covered up pieces that I would much rather save if I were to go to a trip where there was actual autumn and temperature drops. However, as you know, while I am cleared to travel abroad, I am taking it slow and being easy for myself and I think that before I go and give in to my inner wanderlust, I must earn the right to do so and this is accomplished by my absolutely devotion to what I am doing. I have never quite experienced the normal 9-5 job but now that I am, I have intense appreciation for people who manage to have the energy to still go out and about after. Also, even if I am the C.O.O. (Child Of Owner), I am not given special treatment nor am I expected to slack off. I think the general consensus would be that but since I am one to always challenge the norms, I put extra effort to go against that stigma. Add that to the fact I absolutely am in love with what I am doing and then you'll understand.


Beige Wool Cape: Romwe (Also worn HERE)
White Button Down Top: Mango (Also worn HERE)
Mesh and Satin Draped Skirt: Glitterati
White, Brown and Gold Tote: Celine
Pearl Brooch: Vintage (Also worn HERE)
Custom Made Gold and White Ankle Boots: DAS
Sunglasses: Chloe (Also worn HERE)
Bangles: Charriol and BVLGARI
Watch: Charriol
Pearls: Mikimoto

The thing is, I used to believe that it was fashion that was on the forefront of my life and since I was pretty passionate about it, it felt fun to do and blogging came in more as a hobby and not really a job... something to do on the I have always considered it. However, somewhere along the line, I realized I needed to do something more. Glitterati, as a brand, specialized more in Made to Order gowns and dresses so I have more free time. Add that to the fact that I have my own Personal Assistant, Celyn, who has been a blessing to me by making my life easier, less health issues now (though I still have the twice a month hospital visits) and of course, no plans of entering or entertaining the prospects of a romantic relationship, I have a lot of time in my hands, time that I had decided to dedicate to work. Suffice to say, the organization I am now handling has been my new boyfriend and being such, I need to develop it, let it grow and allow it flourish, as you do any relationship. Since education is a very important advocacy to me, I am also happy to be handling the Educational and Scholarships Foundation because I am able to push education to the forefront of our company's advocacy and of course, I am able to give assistance to bright minds and allow them to pursue an college degree, something that is very vital to one's future. Most of our scholars know me as a fashion blogger but I always remind them that I am in charge of their education first and foremost and above all. I know this to be true. And now that I look back on how things turned out in my life, I do find that I am head over heels in love with what I do which is why I find that I don't get stressed out at all. The challenges along the way keep me motivated to be push harder, do better and establish something stronger. It came in at the perfect time too... now that I find my life aligned, I can say for sure that I am doing what I am supposed to and that I have become the person I always wanted to be... A better version of me.

Photos by: Celyn Jaravata

xx, JL

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