
Aug 29, 2014

Oh baby, you're a classic like a little black dress

I always believed in the little black dress as a classic piece and staple in every girl's wardrobe. I can not stress that enough. Every girl needs to have one or two or three black dresses. The thing about the little black dress is that it is appropriate for every all depends on how you style it and it is the single most appropriate and versatile thing anyone owns. It dates back from ages ago but the most iconic moment it was brought to life was when Audrey Hepburn made it is "the dress" from her movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. I watched it when I was 11 years ago and from then on, I learned and how I capitalized on it is probably one of the proudest things I have done in my blogging career out of it. The ways I have been able to wear the LBD from ten ways to Sunday established me, back when I started in 2007. The Little Black Dress, and trust me on it, is everything.

When I wore this dress was a monumental life event as I was facing people who have wronged me and I needed to channel my inner Jackie O. and so I decided to wear this little black dress with a nice cape detail it to it to be as appropriate and as well-dressed as possible. I am sorry, but when you are to meet your worst enemies, it helps to be armed. Being well-dressed and appropriately elegant is your best weapon as it not only shows your impeccable fashion sense but also, how much you respect the court and the events happening in your life as a major thing that you have take time to be prepared for. My rule is this: for any important event that required legalities and what so, making sure that the people you see also see how much important they are to you are something that is  very vital. No one is too little or too not impressionable for you not to impress and this very much sums up my outfit. I like to show people that they matter--- no matter who they are and this is why I make it a point to dress up and never leave me caught off-guard with my pants-down in any thing I commit to. Personally, it goes beyond aesthetic or fashion forward purposes. It is simply a statement that everyone I am to meet is very important to me and I would like to validate their importance by showing them that "hey, I actually took an hour and a half to prepare for my meeting with you..." I do not dress to impress or to give myself snaps for looking great... it is all about me keeping it real... because in reality, I want to make a statement that "you matter to me, I respect the time you've set out for me and let me show you that I also took time to make sure I am appropriate when I do meet up with you." This explains the entire outfit- from the hair, shoes and styling... I wanted to show not just a likeable me but also, the real me. Appropriate. Elegant. Classic. And I will not just bend to anything.

Cape Little Black Dress: Romwe
Pearls: Mikimoto
White and Black Pumps: DAS (Also worn HERE)
Baroque Minimalist Sunglasses: Prada (Also worn HERE)
Quilted Caviar 2.55 Bag: Chanel (Also worn HERE

Photos by: Celyn Jaravata

xx, JL

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