
Jul 26, 2014

A Beautiful Goodbye: Buen Viaje, Enzo!

If there is one redeeming trait that I would be proud to have (although as self-deprecating as I am, I do know I actually do possess quite a lot of redeeming traits... haha, sorry!)- it would be that I am immensely dedicated to my family because at the end of the day, I do truly believe in the saying that at the end of the day, everyone can leave and betray you but family never will. I choose my friends carefully because with this aspect, I do get to make a choice. But I was born and grew up with my family and my dedication to them is unlimited. Of course, this also applies to new additions to my family such as in-laws who I love equally as well and this pertains to the extreme love I have for my FOSSIL, Dominique Tiu who I actually also consider as part of my family too, to provide an example. I have said that I am quite the introvert and I like my circle of friends small as my propensity to be by myself overtakes my ability to rub elbows with people. I find the idea of having to socialize absolutely draining and prefer to give my undivided attention to a few people rather than a tidbit of attention to a lot. This personality trait that I have had since I was quite young makes me fiercely loyal and when I do decided to consider someone as part of my core group: I go all out and sometimes, even out of the way when needed. Looking back at the past, friendships and boyfriends have come and gone but the essential members of my core group remain the same for over a decade and it almost always revolved around me and my brother. I am only a year older but he is by far, so many years wiser and more mature than I am. He is just so naturally protective of me. However, in 5 days, he embarks on a new journey to Spain and this gave me and Dominique the perfect occasion to celebrate him. He will be away for a good 2-3 years and that is quite some time and I don't really quite know how to deal with that yet. But before the emotional stuff, let us first focus on the fun ones and this came in the form of a chance to celebrate him and our experiences with him last July 23, 2014 over at Speakeasy Bar at the Ground Floor of Alphaland in Makati. It was a night to remember!!!

I shall miss you ENZO!!!

Many people have made this unforgettable night one for the books and I think credit has to be given where credit is due. 

 To begin, I have to thank my FOSSIL Domz who organized such a lavish and fun-filled surprise even if she was immensely busy with work. I don't think I can say that I have loved or gotten along with anyone Enzo has been with but her... she's almost a part of me...

Of course, also, my Personal Assistant, CELYN, had a significant role in helping us plan the event. I am so thankful and impressed with how amazing Celyn is and I think on that night, even my parents were absolutely impressed!

The night was made delicious by the wonderful Spain-themed desserts provided by CHOCOLATE BOWL DESSERT BAR who prepared a creative and quite a lavish set-up of sweet treats for the guests and of course, for Enzo, who has quite a sweet tooth (he tasted all the treats!) My family and our friends found the sweet treats so delicious and creatively done they were asking me for their contacts so the can have them for their own gatherings and I think the confections were so yummy they even took some home to eat for the next day! 

Of course, events are made more memorable with photos and I have to thank the team behind SHARP MINDS PHOTOBOOTH as it was quite the hit that night. Everyone loved it and even my lolo and lola and aunties and uncles were so game to strike a pose. They are so accommodating and nice and I love the variety of props and the very personalized approach they have in providing their photos. This is a MUST in every event and you should book them by contacting them HERE. More photos can be viewed HERE.

The food, venue and entertainment for the night was provided by SPEAKEASY BAR and it made the night so much more interesting and the program truly united Enzo's friends, family and office mates without the awkward division as it was TRIVIA NIGHT and everyone's competitive streak united us all...and these were not easy categories to play by the way. Naturally TEAM KENZO won because put me and Domz in the same team and our competitive streak comes out and nobody stands a chance! 

 I was impressed by Speakeasy's service, menu (the food was delicious and everyone had a hearty meal!) and of course... the drinks! I cannot help but rave about the drinks! 

It was too much fun in one night! I cannot help but thank everyone who came and of course to everyone who managed to help us pull this whole thing off! As I said, Spain, you are quite the lucky country to be having my brother Enzo for the next two years (he is going to the Top Ranked Business School in Europe- IESE in Barcelona!). Please do take care of this brilliant young man as he will me missed terribly by so many people.

I've seen him through all the great loves of his life. Each with an operatic passion, each seemed impossible for one lifetime. But that is him, his heart is too big for this world. It is inspiring but it also leads many, including me, my mom and my sister Katie, to be protective of him. I call him Zo or Zoey. It's short for Enzo, that nickname I coined for him upon adolescence since his old nickname (and don't even ask him what it was) didn't quite fit anymore. He is my brother but in so many ways, he is like my capsule family. All the men from the family- father, kuya, baby brother put into one. He taught me so many things about loving people and I will miss him terribly. 

Photos by: Celyn Jaravata

xx, JL 


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