
Aug 3, 2012

Everybody's changing....

Everybody's changing and I don't feel the same.
Top: Mango | Shorts: Topshop | Bag and Necklace: Gold Couture | Bracelet: Leviathan Accessories Shoes: DAS

 "We're swallowed up only when we are willing for it to happen"

When bloggers talk about taking responsibility for which part of their lives to share, we must clarify what we mean by responsibility. The cultural meaning of the word responsibility means accountability AND blame. When people accept that meaning, they cannot bear to take responsibility for their lives or to see other people do so, because, they assume taking responsibility mean taking the blame  for where they are and who they are, more importantly. Unfortunately this attitude puts us in the position of being victims and robbing us of our power. It is only when we accept that we do have choices, and we exercise those choices, that we can reclaim our lives. Inherent in this reclaiming process is owning the choices we made... (all of them!) and most importantly MOVING ON. Then we stop blaming ourselves for our lives; we are claiming them and owning them so we can take our next steps. 

In my case, as a fashion blogger, entrepreneur and a brand owner, I make choices. Being a human being in general means making choices- lots of them. And despite the negativity and the judgment people might have passed on me because of my choices (can you believe that in one week I have been called anorexic, inauthentic, a non "IT" blogger,  the Queen of Superficiality, body dysmorphic and a tranny-- all by one person/family, that I know and was close to at one point... but their identities I will not reveal as I have enough patience to deal with matters such as this)--- I still choose to go on and continue moving forward, doing what I want to become the person I was meant to be. 

I have made some bad choices (this outfit hopefully not being one of them...), I have made so-so choices, and I have made some very good choices. The most important aspect of them is that they are MINE---- all of them.


Get the Look:

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