
Jul 13, 2011

Day 6.

I cut my own bangs, its stupid when not styled but live-able.

Rain or shine, I exercise...

"Commit to be fit."
I like chronicling my exercise mode as 1) its a failproof way to ensure I won't cheat on my gym training as I have to upload it as part of the day in this whole 500 days project c/o Kato and 2) I would like to see the achievement and change- progress or not- this new TRX lifestyle will bring to me. So that explains the very vain gym photos...If you can't appreciate that, all I can say is, DEAL WITH IT. People motivate themselves in their own ways.

From the gym to cream and coral, I played up the lace and coral look with my outfit's a SNEAK PEEK....

Talk about a 180-degree paradigm shift. From sweat, sports bra and suspensions to pastel pretty: peaches, cream and lace.... I seriously must have a mood disorder. Haha.

DAY 6.

xx, JL


  1. um i'm seriously envious of your figure! wish i looked that good working out...that is, if i worked out, lol. how did you cut your bangs like that? everytime i try mine i mess them up! love the pink outfit too :)

    Beneath the Glass

  2. Mood disorder? You said that not anyone else. Or maybe that was an understatement? Please get a hold of yourself. If you think exposing your mental and emotional disorder will make people give you attention, you are mistaken. Save some information to yourself. It's getting annoying, tiring and simply nakakasawa na. Is this also genetically given to you and your siblings? Parang eh...ENOUGH!!!

  3. Men will NEVER EVER go for a nut case. You totally need help. From being physically fragile, you being an alcoholic and happy pills popper, to having an emotional and mood disorder...WHATS UP JL??? Re think your plans for yourself. Re-align. Re-do. Re-design. That goes for your siblings too. Enough of the bitchy, fierce effect...then becomes that pathetic sensitive subject. It's getting old. SOS.

    By the way, don't tweet about this comment. You made your life open so deal with this. Your audience can be nice to mean to passive to weird. Live with all this. Yun lang naman powz.

  4. Anonymous said... Dear Anonymous, in response to your reply, read my replies to your allegation, so I may address your every comment that made it so vital for you to hate on me ON MY BLOG.

    Mood disorder? You said that not anyone else. Or maybe that was an understatement?

    JL: Mood disorder is a serious psychological condition that affects a lot of people. I would know this because I graduated from a degree in PSYCHOLOGY. I also know this because I am currently facing and dealing with it. I said it... YES. But you do not know about me, you do not know about my medical history so until you do, maybe you can keep your opinions to yourself. People each deal with issues, and if you saw the world in that way maybe you would stop bashing and hating.

    Please get a hold of yourself. If you think exposing your mental and emotional disorder will make people give you attention, you are mistaken. Save some information to yourself.

    JL: I am not exposing it to get attention. I am being truthful and open and well to be frank COMFORTABLE and AT EASE with who I am. I am not doing it for attention, I am not histrionic. I am not doing it for sympathy either. It takes a lot of guts to admit to yourself and to others what you are going through. And being open about things like these makes me more relate-able especially to people feeling the same way, to say, they are not alone. Everyone has their own demons to work with.

    It's getting annoying, tiring and simply nakakasawa na. Is this also genetically given to you and your siblings? Parang eh...ENOUGH!!!

    JL: If sawang sawa ka na, the STOP READING MY BLOG OR TWITTER. You are not obligated to get updates from me...DO YOU NOT HAVE THE MENTAL CAPACITY TO UNDERSTAND THAT? Rather than going through my entries and status updates, to find something to nitpick on, why not just do something productive, like knitting? It's my blog and I will say what I want, how about you say "ENOUGH" to the cyberstalking to yourself. Nobody forced you to get involved in my life. PS:the comment about my siblings gave you away. I know who you are... and you are lucky that rather than take you heads on, I'm just going to pray for you.

  5. Men will NEVER EVER go for a nut case.

    JL:I don't live for men. And I don't live to get men. I have more meaning in my life than that. If you do, that's your issue. PS: Nut case is a very subjective term.

    You totally need help. I am, and I've been open about that to people. You, on the other hand with your passive aggressive attacks and cowardice, obviously needs more help than me. Careful, you might just self destruct and blowup. From being physically fragile, you being an alcoholic and happy pills popper, to having an emotional and mood disorder...WHATS UP JL???

    JL: Physically fragile? I go to the gym 4x a week. I am not 100% healthy but then again you are not my doctor stay the hell away from my health issues.Alcoholic? You don't know me, you don't know what I do 24/7, who are you to say that? Unless you have hidden cameras and are secretly stalking me STFU. Happy pills popping? It's called a prescription- you know the papers doctors give to people who need medication? WHAT'S UP? You hating on me when obviously you know nothing about me, THAT'S WHAT'S UP!

    Re think your plans for yourself. Re-align. Re-do. Re-design. That goes for your siblings too. Enough of the bitchy, fierce effect...then becomes that pathetic sensitive subject. It's getting old. SOS.

    JL: This line I believe applies to yourself. Rethink your actions and your verbal hating spree. You have no right to judge people, as an outsider looking in, THAT'S ALL YOU ARE, AN OUTSIDER. And with the mention of my siblings yet again, you gave yourself away. A little bit of anonymity won't help if you blatantly out yourself with your comments. JUST SAYING. SOS right back at you. And the bitchy fierce effect- what are you referring to- my poses, my philosophies, my way of living? Can I help it if BITCHY at FIERCE talaga ako? And by BITCH I mean "Babe in total control of herself."

    By the way, don't tweet about this comment. You made your life open so deal with this. Your audience can be nice to mean to passive to weird. Live with all this. Yun lang naman powz.-

    JL: You post this comment and you do not want me to share it to the universe and publish it--WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU? You put it in my site and I can't TWEET about it? What planet are you living on, Missy. mangaaway ka pero gusto mo patago-what does that say about you? Did you think mahihiya ako or na hindi kita lalabanan? THINK TWICE. I made my life open, this is my blog, I will write what I want to write and you can't control me. That right I will fight for to the death. What do you want to metaphorically duct tape my mouth and what I say? Please I've gone through so much and dealt w/ much more than this.... this is nothing to me but a comedic relief to my early morning. I'm laughing you off. How does that feel?

    xx, JL

  6. Hi JL! I can't resist posting a comment here. I saw your tweet. I just wanna say that you obviously know yourself more than anyone. Comments like these are indeed hurtful..but I know you can handle yourself pretty well! You should be perfectly fine, especially if you have your friends to support you :)

    To lighten up the mood a little bit, I hope you know that I think you're a wonderful person. It's a shame I didn't get the chance to know you more back then, but first impression always lasts, and I still think you're a good person. I admire you for having the confidence to be who you are, whether it's fashion or something else.

    Anyway, comments like that will only make you stronger :) It all depends on how you're going to look at things. You have a life, and they don't. It's a waste of time to argue with people like that.

    I'm still drooling over glitterati =\ Will definitely check out the shop when I visit Manila :)

  7. me again- just read Anon's messages, seriously inappropriate. Like you say it's your blog you make it what you want!


  8. to the anonymous comments: no one has the right to judge other people they do not know and even if you do know them personally and regardless if there is a level of truth or not to what you are saying there is just something wrong with you if you find it fit to air out dirty laundry in public. isn't this the same thing you are accusing the blog owner of? I am by no means a follower of JL {no offense}however I do stop by and read here occasionally and at the end of the day whatever it is she does or doesn't do is her business. Her body, her life.


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