
Jun 22, 2012

Blocking Out The Friction


 You think you got me figured out.

You hide behind the computer screens so that you don't have to be seen
How could a person be so mean
Who are you-and what do you do
That makes you think you are above me
But have you walked in my shoes?
 The pedestal
You put yourself on
Well since I'm breaking it down now
It's gonna collapse and be gone

"If people talk negatively about you, live in such a way that no one will believe them."

Just a short but sweet and insightful quote that I never seem to have forgotten...which is a good thing as I am in dire need of constant reminding. And that's exactly what I was doing when I chose this outfit as I was again third wheel for Sundate with my brother and his girlfriend who I simple adore, Domz. I added a few tidbits and insights as to how I chose my outfit with the photos as I decided I wanted to tackle a deeper, more meaningful thing that has reared it's ugly head to me countless times this week... Read on and don't hate.... these are just my thoughts...

Bavardage, the french word for gossip. (don't you just think that everything seems so nicely put and classy in that language? ) Other terms for it include: dishing the dirt: wagging one's tongue; shooting the breeze, chewing the fat, speaking about others and revealing secrets or intimacies; chismis, cheesemax and other words the beckys have invented which for sure I have never heard yet--- Something I am sure we all constantly love to do especially in our free time. And I am no exception. We spend so many hours of our day consumed and dedicated to one favorite hobby: talking about other people. The thing is it just all comes out naturally amongst us, we live for sharing unsolicited and at times, unnecessary and uncalled-for information regarding other people.

I am not being a self righteous or two-faced person- I do not deny of being guilty of such- I love keeping tabs on whats going on- I guess its all part of the social need all human beings have to fulfill to survive in this sad and sick world. It's fun to know what's what with the who's who in our worlds- and I guess in a sense, it keeps the balance and the equilibrium going on to do so- we talk about other people and with the knowledge that they are also probably talking about us. But as I realized, gossip is more than just a mutual exchange or a favorite past-time, it can actually really hurt too. Its actually one of those things you can easily and guilt-lessly do unto others until that time you realize how bad it is when it is also done to you, and then you see the other side of the coin, past the rosed-colored glasses. You realize that not everything you think must be said, I guess that's why the brain has that filtering function and why as my mom always points out, "its above the mouth and every other body part as well." Think before you speak, cause at times, you might not know who you're maligning, angering or worse- hurting, And trust me, retaliation gossip is the worse kind... I don't know how I get dragged into these messes as if I had some kind of drama-magnet that it magically attracts me to endless, countless and unending drama that's just so nerve-wrecking and totally depressing. And in the first place, I shouldn't even be involved in it. But still, I am (by some uncontrollable force in the universe.) I am not one for naming names or putting the blame on anyone since I don't really have to---I don't want to place everything that happens wrong in my life on people's hands, sometimes I get myself into it by my own doing. But I get it, and I accept the reality that shit happens. But why does shit always have to happen around me? Okay, I just so needed to rant for a while there.

As I was made to realize today, we have to be detached from certain things and filter out the things that will and will not affect us.  We always have two choices--- one is to be forever stuck in a misery rut and second is to live life fabulously, and not let the sour graping and rumor mongering ruin the bliss you have so long established for yourself and for the people you love, more than anything in this world. And I guess that at the end of the day, that's just what I have to choose to do. Live my life fabulously, outrageously and fantastically with the most gorgeous and beautiful people (from the inside-out) I know and not anyone ruin my day. I've decided that starting from this day forward I will make peace with everyone I have had differences with (well at least people who still at some level matter to me and those I still consider human). I love my life and everyone in it.

  Life is a constant and continuous struggle and the funny thing is, the people who you think are at their happiest are actually those going through their worst- other people have to understand that. In the end, all we can do is this- "Go forth and live for today and tomorrow."

 Fine, fresh, fierce. I wanted something free flowing and somewhat of a '70s inspired look and I did just that in this white and brown neutral combination of a roped crop top and wide legged pants plus colorful shoes to accent. I felt very flower child chic especially with the braided and bunned hair.

The wonderful cropped top which had a beautiful gold rope detail was so much fun to wear and twist around in. Thank you so much to Arvie Aquino of Style Staple which is an amazing online clothing store that has classic pieces that are just so beautiful to wear. This top in particular is also available in rust orange and turquoise blue. Do visit their facebook page and whip out your wallet for some shopping--

The Pants I paired it with were wide legged trousers from Apartment 8 which looks like a maxi skirt from afar but was actually just super flaired pants so I had to take side photos of it. It was just the perfect piece to add on with the cropped top. I later realized that in the photo of the site, the top was paired with similar looking trousers. 

I kept my makeup and accessories minimal. But went all out on my hair...

The shoes, of course had to be amazing and as I am a well heeled girl, I chose a fabulous pair of woven heeled platforms from So! Fab 
The pair was the "IT" factor to my outfit as it had the platform heel which complemented the wide legged pants perfectly and it had a beautiful printed floral pattern of blue and green in the back and as the strap. It was simple divine!

I am a So! Fab Featured Blogger/Brand Ambassador and this month is all about my style profile.  Hover over to

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