
Jul 19, 2011

Day 13. Super Sheer Super Sale Bazaar.

Cultivate your curves - they may be dangerous but they won't be avoided.

I had to post this first and foremost. What I didn't wear to the ball...
I like fitting outfits, taking photos and choosing from them---I blame it on Cher of Clueless' influence on me, as she says a camera does not lie so polaroid photos of outfits are essential. Techinical Dress Rehearsal minus hair and make up- yes I am bare in this shot.

This is a really gorgeous form fittting jersey dress and it fit me quite like a glove. It looks pretty all covered up in front then gets more va-va-voom at the side (as only garter straps hold the dress together, and the slit is a whole new definition of THIGH HIGH SLIT.)

It was one of my outfit choices (I always feel safe to have 3 spare dress choices for event) for the Preview Ball and I decided to keep the bohemian princess on hold and get in touch with my inner Michelle Pfeiffer's Elvira in Scarface with a Purple sequin number and a rose on my head.

Now I have to find an occasion to wear this piece cause I love it so much, I'd hate for it to go to waste.

I'm no model lady. A model's just an imitation of the real thing.

I use to be Snow White, but I drifted.

Spreading the Weekend Sheer.

Now this is something REAL. Princess Camera Love with my BFF Nina Estacio.

Game day turned to Wine Game Day.
The Verdict: Blue vs. Green- BLUE
White vs. Red... Wine- It all evens out.

My failed attempt at NAIL ART. Well at least it was green and blue, and since I am very NEUTRAL, like the Swiss, I stamped it on my nails, cheetah style.

Yes, i fell in love with Vito.
Hard core. I got in touch with my maternal instincts which is major, considering I didn't think I'd ever get the maternal gene.

I was health buff pretentious that weekend which caused me to order this when I had dinner with my brother....

I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.
SUNDAY NIGHT DIN-DIN: Super healthy couscous and portobello mushroom w/ sun dried tomatoes din-din at Cafe Med with my brother Enzo.

FUN FILLED WEEKEND. Outfit posts resume tomorrow!


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