
Jan 4, 2011

Somersault in Sand With Me

Quite unsure of how to dress for the day, I decided to bring back my good old ipod game and let it decide for me, so I put it on shuffle and the first song that played was Somersault by Zero 7 featuring Sia on vocals and I knew, I had to go all out pastels and tutufied, given the first lines of the song have something to do with a ballerina. Also, I decided I needed a break from all the black dark, twisty looks as I have been referred to as "Satan in Heels" and just to prove I really am an angel in disguise, if only based on the clothes I wear, I am soooooo game on!

Anyway, the lace top from Forever21 has been long overdue on my pile of unworn items (bought it last June) and I decided to pair it with a vintage tutu skirt (I don't know where I got this, but I did dance ballet so prolly then?) and perfectly matching the outfit was my chiffon Wisteria wedges from Topshop which I still adore and love, even if it goes a season or two back.

All in all, it was quite a refresher for me but the romantic look, will make a comeback another day, when I'm feeling bipolar about my style and fashion sense! Till the next post!





  1. Funny how you say you're mostly associated with black/dark ensembles, when I actually think of you more as this sweet, candy-coated girly girl in your outfits! (: I sooo want your skirt JL!

  2. one of your more simple looks JL! love how soft you look, angelic. Love the skirt :)

    Melai of Style and Soul

  3. aaahh that skirt is gorgeous!! i love how it flows, & the color is just perfect. love the softness of the whole look!

    boat ride through the sky

  4. you look so chic, JL! angelic ballerina indeed with the sun hitting you nicely pa :)


  5. this is sooo cute! love the pastel colors! :) Gorgeous shoes!

    xx, Channie

  6. Such gorgeous shoes!

  7. very cute and nice outfit. absolutely love your wedges <3

    a little princess

  8. i loooooove your look jl!!! so chic!!! ♥

  9. Totally amazing outfit! I'm crazy about your skirt and top!


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