
Oct 31, 2014

Burning Bridges

"Send this out to sea.  Send it where you want it. You can take it note for note and not at all. There’s no filling up your spaces with fictionary places...Imaginary faces they don’t work at all...I keep on running...I’m building bridges that I know you never wanted"

-Burning Bridges, One Republic

Burning Bridges. v. (idiomatic expression)-   One of the worst and also best experience... To burn a bridge is to break away from a person close to you, who you have consistently been on good terms and have had happy memories together. A simpler way: burning up your connections with someone important to you that has become toxic and no longer good for you. I've been wanting to discuss this and this entry was the perfect opportunity to do so...well, because, I am in a bridge. I know a lot of my entries have been revolving around conservative work wear recently because that is what I do and what I love doing. However, let's all take a break from that and have some fun. This is as far as it goes for edgy and rebellious for me. I look back at the days when I could get away with studded and grommet outfits and laugh because I am no longer at the age where I can pull all that off. However, I can do a cropped top, some printed trousers and a blazer with some streak of rocker chic via the hint of silver spikes at the shoulder area. It may be a mature piece- this black blazer- but at least it combines contemporary and classic all in one. I like pieces that are like that.

Oct 29, 2014

My Altuzzara don't want none unless you've got Fierce Down

Okay, so I played around with the words of Nicki Minaj's song, Anaconda, but really, can anyone blame me? The lyrics are quite explicit so I don't think I can respect myself to put them as my blog title (although it does give you a severe case of last song syndrome after you hear it) and I knew I just needed to use the song as inspiration for this outfit... since it's snakeskin and all. I know it's a tricky print to wear but to be frank, this was actually my first choice when I saw the Altuzzara x Target look book and immediately phone my sister because I wanted to have it. I love animal prints but I wanted to give all that a spin and wear a snake skin print... for a change. My goal was to make it tasteful and classy and well, if you know me, I am always up for a challenge.

Oct 26, 2014

Locked In My Own Daze

I live in a generation where everyone always is all about what the new thing is. While I think that may indeed be a good thing, since having something new always means there is development and progress, I cannot help but think that sometimes, reverting back to the old, the tried and the tested matters too. I've heard it all happen over and over again, people complain about doing the same old thing. I don't quite know when it happened exactly when the "same old thing" became synonymous with "boring" and I know that such a generalization is absolutely false. I find comfort in the classics which is probably why I find rummaging through my mom's old clothes so much fun. Case in point: this dress.

Oct 22, 2014

Habits (I've been around and I've seen it all)

Autumn is here and that means that 'tis the time of the year again I can experiment with rich fabrics such as jacquard, velvet and for this day- my personal choice- brocade. I always found richly decorative shuttle-woven fabrics laced with metallic gold absolutely elegant and glamorous and if anything, it spells one thing: royalty. Okay, so I will never be royal... even if some of my readers and followers call me Queen but I sure as hell can dress as one and that was exactly what I did when I chose this ensemble for a very important lunch where I was to present achievements of our foundation and orient my two sisters who are based abroad all about it. When I wore this outfit, I felt quite pleased with myself... Although when my sisters and staff saw me, they had one name in mind: Blair Waldorf. The irony of it all.

Oct 20, 2014

Coral Story

This is one of my favorite dresses which I've had with me since Circa 2006 and it never fails me. I love it immensely as it is extremely flattering with the pleats and the halter-style neckline. More so, it is appropriate for day or night wear depending on how you accessorize and style it. I think aside from having an LBD, an LWD and a LRD... everyone should also have a few colorful dresses in their arsenal as it is a good investment and just like this dress you can wear it over and over again.

Oct 17, 2014

Fashion Patriots

Months ago, I was contacted by a Slovakian editor to participate and represent the Philippines for their mag's editorial entitled, Fashion Patriots. More or less, the concept of the shoot was to have bloggers from different countries shoot themselves in an outfit that best represents their country and to explain it. Naturally, I was thrilled. I love my country and I am proud to be Filipino. Granted, as a race, we do have some flaws in society and in our government, I find that what nation doesn't? So despite that, I never actually thought of wanting to change my citizenship even if I have had many opportunities to do so. I am not a hero... I am perhaps very far from becoming one but if I were asked to be proud of my country in a platform that I am engaged in (aka. fashion blogging)... I will put effort on it because I wouldn't want to do my country the disservice of presenting something half-baked or worse, something that would wound our nation more. I thought and brainstormed on this particular shoot...a lot and when it came out on the website this week, I was proud to have delivered. There's also some strange comfort in realizing that while I cannot be in Slovakia, it's nice to have my photo reach the country (which I confessed, I had to Google) and also to orient them that the Philippines exists (they probably will have to Google our country's location as well) and that where I am from, there a lot of fashionably people...Fashion Patriots... in their own right.

Oct 14, 2014

All Laced Up

If there is one fabric that I love, it would be embroidered lace. It is absolutely so intricate and delicate and of course definitely absolutely beautiful. I used to juxtapose lace with leather to make it have a somewhat tougher and edgy appeal or dress it down with a plain top to make it look more casual. However, on this day, I felt like I wanted to take a chance and commit, thus wearing an all lace on lace with tweed ensemble. As you know, I love neutrals and have been quite committed to it so here is yet another neutral look- this time in cream from top to toe. I love that I am growing up a bit more when it comes to my fashion choices. I find that I am growing to love elegant and sophisticated pieces and build an outfit from there. I think that as with most things, my fashion sense and style is also evolving and that's not a bad thing.

Oct 12, 2014


Hello everyone! I am back to my favorite color: PINK for this outfit post, which I must say, was absolutely appropriate from The Clozette Ambassador's Afternoon Tea Party held at Commune over at H.V. Dela Costa Street which was exactly across the building I work in and spend most of my weekday afternoons in. It was a Saturday which meant no work so I decided to trade in my business attire for something more appropriate. The dress code called for Weekend Chic and I made sure to be situationally dressed and therefor sported this pale pink outfit. I committed to the color from head to toe, I must say.

Oct 10, 2014

Peace Like A River

I love being away from the city sometimes. Yes, even I, who was born and raised in this thriving metropolis also needs a break from the hustle and bustle of city life which can get quite stressful enough that one tends to burn out and if anything... that is such a bad feeling. So here I am, city girl gone rural and I love it. This is my day out in the suburbs look and it is still quite corporate but it was a business trip that I had to attend to and even if I was working, it wasn't as fast paced and busy as it is back in the Makati Head Office and so there was more than sufficient time to unwind, take photos and relax- bask in the fresh air and take in the river before me which unlike the river in Manila (which you smell first before you see...) is a sight to behold. I had a theme that particular weekend and it revolved around red, white and blue. It was quite patriotic but I have always loved the combination because it has quite a nautical feel to it... a theme that if you must know I am so obsessed about.

Oct 7, 2014

A Rose By Any Name

I am all about situational dressing. I personally think that it is absolutely vital to know what to where depending on the occasion and the occasion I wore this outfit to called for flats, as a must and while I do prefer heels, I didn't want to be inappropriate so since the situation called for it, I wore flat shoes instead. The event I wore this ensemble to was the Cocorose Launch here in Manila where my FOSSIL Dominique was a muse and as you all know, I am very supportive and so, I made sure to support her all the way in this outfit and in flat shoes which I wore for the whole day...(I know, shocker, right?)  At the end of the day though, I was happy I chose to go and dress up this route as everyone was in flats and it was a strictly flats only event. I would've been totally out of place in my sky-highs so as much as I love my stilettos, it was only appropriate to leave them in my shoes closet, for that day at least.

Oct 5, 2014

Call It Magic

Last Sunday, I got the great experience of attending one of my dearest College friend's wedding. It was beautiful. I always loved weddings. Yes, I am that friend who will gush to you about how beautiful you are, willingly come forward once all the single ladies are called out to catch the bouquet and actually stay, which qualifies me as the best wedding guest ever but the allure of it will never fade for me- no matter how many weddings I attend. Add to that the fact that I was born in the wrong time period and think wearing gowns and high heels should be my default outfit and my unwavering belief that it is really beautiful to see two people who love each other and want to publicly declare it have every right. As cynical as I may portray myself to be, I still do believe in happily-ever-afters and there is nothing like a lovely wedding to bring that out. So, on that day, I decided to be appropriate and finally wear this nude gown I've had in my closet for a long time... (to those of you who don't already know, I am that girl who has two closet full of gowns for no other reason than because I love gowns and always love having a dozen I haven't already worn yet... just in case.) Thankfully, I wasn't wrong and on this absolutely marvelous night, I decided understated and elegant was the way to go. The good thing is I also actually blended impeccably with the surroundings at the reception, which was in so many ways absolutely beautiful, by the way... the way I think all receptions are because they are filled with so much love and happiness all in one location.

Oct 3, 2014

Autumn Afternoon

“I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”
                                                                                 ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables

For most people, I am sure, October seems like such an awkward month. It signals in a lot of changes and transformations happen.  I have come to realize now that transformation sometimes begins with a fall. So never curse the fall. Personally, I am learning to embrace all the seasons and the changes that accompany it. I find that there is something nostalgic and significant about the season. Out with the old, in with the new... transformation is such a wonderful and often unappreciated thing. As with seasons changing, so does my outfit configurations and I find myself removing all the cool and casual ensembles from my rack and start to layer. There is nothing more that signifies the start of a new season for a fashion blogger than a change in outfits pending. There is an adjustment but in time, we learn and get accustomed to it. I sure did which is why it is absolutely so easy for me to discard my summer clothes and immerse myself in layers and knits and cold weather wear. Adapting to the changes is key. So here I am getting all knitty gritty in my favorite and fail safe fall staples: a cozy knit wrap that is so soft that one can snuggle in it. I find a strange sense of comfort in wearing clothes that keep me warm and are at the same time fuzzy. The weather definitely does not dictate for something that is too binding and uncomfortable.

Oct 2, 2014

So Adorably Clueless

Growing up, one of the most iconic movies I watched was Clueless. I read Jane Austen's Emma as a child and loved that Clueless was basically a modern day adaptation of that. It was the '90s version of Mean Girls and for nineties child, it was the movie to watch. I was so obsessed with it that I memorized the entire script from beginning to end. It was one of those "coming of age movies" that made 95% of the teenybopper girl relate to it. I mean, who could forget Cher Horowitz going, "As if!" and then copying it down to the very accent. So since it is Thursday and a big thing on Thursdays are Throw Backs- here's my version of one. I am in an outfit that is an ode and tribute to Cher's first look from the movie but this time, in pink because I didn't want to be costumey. (Exhibit A: Iggy Azalea in her Fancy music video already got it down to a tee). Well aside from being fancy (and you already knowing it,) I also have to go to work and while I did get the "why is your skirt too short?" comment from my dad which I was able to justify like Cher many times in the movie starting off with, "Daddy..." I am also quite proud of coming up with the ensemble as I always wanted to wear something like this. I mean, who wouldn't?

Oct 1, 2014

On Breaking Ground

Fresh starts. Put your past behind you, and start over. It is hard to resist the chance at a new beginning. A chance to put the problems of the past to bed. But who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins? It is not a day in the calendar, not a birthday, not a new year. It is an event. Big or small. Something that changes us. Ideally, it gives us hope.

 A new way of living and looking at the world- letting go of old habits, old memories. What is important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning. But it's also important to remember that amid all the crap are a few things really worth holding on to. 

This was the outfit I wore to a very important day in my life and starting over (yet again) as I wore this to the ground breaking of my soon to be future home which I find something good to look forward to. Hopefully, like me, this represents a transition into something new, something bigger and better. This is also what makes the outfit quite monumental. It signifies a fresh start and a new beginning for me.